Wednesday, 23 November 2011

An investigation into the function, design and contstruction of boundaries, it's physical and cultural impact with specific interest in the use of screening within garden design.

  • To gain an insight into the historical and contemporary use of screens/ fences/ boundaries.
  • To investigate the function of screening in garden design.
  • To identify potential users- question ' what is out there' - 'the norm'.
The rationale behind my research is to fuse my interest with garden design and my sculptural practice, creating and developing sculptural surfaces that provide structure and function within the garden/ outdoor space.

My focus will be researching into the historical and contemporary use of screens/ fences/ boundaries investigating and understanding their purpose and function, analysing their structure, form and relevance. I anticipate that this will feed into the cultural and social implications, with considerations of personal usage to delineate space and territory. As part of the research I intend to address the narrative such as 'talking over the garden fence', 'sitting on the fence' and 'the grass is greener on the other side of the fence', some of these sayings suggest that the fence could be the middle ground or that what is beyond is better, but how much weight does the word fence have in these sayings? are there significant meanings or is it merely a word?

I will endeavour to fully understand the purpose and function of screen structures within garden design, its use in creating visual or physical boundaries, etc. and to question the definition of screen/ fence. As a starting point my research will explore the work of specific designers whose work utilises screening and or inspire me through designs that have been showcased through high profile events such as Chelsea and Hampton Court, from here I will delve further into their concepts for designs, for example fulfilling a brief, personal desire and or ethos. From this I hope  to find  potential areas for networking and identify competition, it is also anticipated that this literal and visual research will help to resolve some of the physical problems posed and to provide a possible gateway for research into manufacture.

Through my research I intend to inform design and encapsulate an element of the narrative. But also open a doorway into the psychological, social and physical interactions between user and boundary, this could provide an opportunity to evaluate and expand investigations into our cultural and social interactions with space and society.

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