Thursday, 17 November 2011

Learning Modes

Results from questoinaire:
Reflector (7)
Pragmatist (5)
Theorist (2)

I completed this survey quite spontaneously and in a particularly positive frame of mind and I felt that because of the very fine margin between the first three the running order could have altered had I have been feeling differently.

However having read all four descriptors I could see an affinity with the learning styles predicted from the results. My personlaity and attributes sit well with the reflector learning style, but I know that sometimes my heart can over rule my head making me more passionate about the context and therefore more verbal in meetings and arguments, this can lend itself to not seeing the whole picture and not allowing the words of others to inform my decisions, therefore definitive conclusions are not always met.
My Pragmatic side comes about when I have a concept that I believe in and has the potential for taking forward, I definitely strive to forge ahead with putting the ideas into practice, sometimes being more reactive than proactive.
As an activist I do need and gain confidence by involving others in my ideas and thoughts, feedback is invaluable to me, giving me focus and prompts for self evaluative critique in order to develop my ideas further. I also enjoy participating in collaborative ventures and recognise that different individuals have different strengths. On the whole I believe that I am open minded and I am enthusiastic about my ideas but I am aware that I can also  become blinkered and oversee valuable avenues that can enhance developments.

From the theorist point of view I recognise that this is going to be a challenge that I am going to have to address and learn to apply particularly within the MA.

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